Our private lending solutions are designed for mortgage brokers and their clients.

Alternative Mortgage Solutions – Partnership and Brokers. Here at Alternative Mortgage Solutions we truly understand your challenges as brokers. Our private mortgage solutions are tailored to bridge the gap when the client just doesn’t fit into the typical mould. Our lender and broker partners help clients achieve their dreams through customized private lending solutions!

illustration of man and woman, showing them working together with two mechanical gears

Our network of private mortgage lenders may be able to help!

At Alternative Mortgage Solutions, our private mortgage lenders are educated to look at the big picture, considering the actual value of the property and specific client situations, rather than just income or beacon scores.

You guessed it, our lenders are equity lenders, so that means that no matter how bad the situation may seem, if there is equity in the property, chances are we can find a lender that will consider the loan.

Our product line is simple, we promise to keep you informed every step of the way and our turnaround time will be hard to beat. In addition, our compensation is aggressive and paid to you on closing.


Are you tired of losing money in the stock market or frustrated with the low-interest rates paid by banks? Looking for better investment opportunities? Our private mortgage investments could be the ALTERNATIVE you have been searching for!


No matter how bad your situation may be, our team is here to help. The amount of financing you may qualify for will depend on the property, your profile, and your repayment plan at the end of the term. Let our private mortgage lenders find the best solution for you.


At Alternative Mortgage Solutions, we understand your challenges as brokers. We know that sometimes clients don’t fit the typical mold set by traditional lenders, whether A, B, or C lenders. Our private lending solutions are here to bridge that gap and provide alternatives that work.


We recognize the unique challenges faced by builders and developers. That’s why we’ve created an Alternative product specifically for developers and construction loans. Discover how our private mortgage solutions can support your projects – so you can take on more clients and scale your operations!

Understanding Equity-Based Lending

Equity-based lending focuses on the value of the property rather than the borrower’s credit history or income. This makes it ideal for those with unique financial situations or income sources. Our underwriters assess each case individually, considering all aspects of the property and the client’s needs.

The Benefits of Private Mortgages

Private mortgages offer several benefits, including faster approval times, more flexible terms, and the ability to qualify based on property equity. Whether you’re an investor seeking higher returns or a broker seeking the right deal, private mortgages provide a path to achieving your financial goals.

Serving the Maritime Provinces

Our local presence in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island allows us to serve clients with a deep understanding of the local real estate market. This regional focus enables us to provide quick, personalized service can be difficult to find when you’re working with big banks or national lenders.

Your Alternative Mortgage Partner

Whether you’re a broker looking to expand your client offerings, an investor searching for higher returns, or need a creative mortgage solution, Alternative Mortgage Solutions is here to help. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation and discover how we can work together to meet your needs.